Tag Archives: increasing supply

How does your body produce milk after a c-section?

Ask Anne… Question: Since you’re skipping the whole labor process, how does your body produce milk after a c-section? Answer:  Milk production is triggered by natural hormonal changes that begin to occur during your pregnancy. Most moms will start to produce colostrum about halfway through pregnancy, but the milk doesn’t ‘come in’ until a day or two after birth. During your pregnancy, …

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Weight Gain

One of the biggest concerns all new moms have is whether or not their baby is gaining enough weight, especially when they are breastfeeding. Moms go to their baby’s first few checkups holding their breath when their baby is put on the scale, waiting to see what the doctor’s verdict is. Is their baby in the 50th percentile or above? …

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The Emotional Side of Low Milk Supply

On day 2 of Jack’s life the nurse came to assist me with our breastfeeding session as she and others had since his birth the day before. This nurse said “I don’t think he is getting anything.” A pang of anxiety shot through my chest. I’m not nourishing my own baby? How can my body do this to him? It …

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Can I smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol while I’m nursing?

Ask Anne… Question: I am 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I went back to work early with my first baby and didn’t try to nurse,  but this time I’ll be a SAHM and I plan to breastfeed. I like to occasionally have  a beer or glass of wine, but I’m not drinking while I’m pregnant.  What about after my baby …

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Can I breastfeed my adopted baby?

Ask Anne… Question: We are in the process of adopting a baby girl, and I want to breastfeed.  Most articles I read are discouraging, and they say she will not make enough milk. Is is possible to get a full supply of milk? If so,  is there something I should be doing now? Answer: It is possible to breastfeed an adopted …

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