Anne Smith, IBCLC

Anne Smith, IBCLC
As the mother of six wonderful breastfed children, three perfect breastfed grand babies, and an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) with over twenty-five years experience in lactation counseling, I can offer you professional support, as well as information and advice based on my personal experiences over the years.

Trying to Relactate

Ask Anne… I am currently trying to relactate. I work full time Monday thru Friday from 8-5, and my job doesn’t allow me much time to pump. I hand express whenever I can, and then I try to latch her on as soon as I get home. The problem is that she gets really mad when not much milk comes …

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Medicine safe while breastfeeding?

Ask Anne… Question: I’m nursing my three month old baby, and I’m having a hard time getting over a head cold. Now I’m developing a cough. Is there any medicine that’s safe to take while breastfeeding? Answer:  Most medications are safe for breastfeeding mothers. In  nearly all cases, the risk of side effects in your baby is extremely small. When taking any medication during pregnancy …

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What the heck is “vernix”?

Ask Anne… Question: When my baby was born at 38 weeks, I wanted to breastfeed her immediately after birth. I had written into my birth plan that I didn’t want her to be taken away to be washed before I held her, but when she was laid on my chest after birth, she was covered with this weird creamy stuff …

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Lump in Breast

Ask Anne… Question: I’m breastfeeding my two year old daughter and don’t plan to stop until she’s ready to wean. We both still enjoy nursing, and she is allergic to cow’s milk, which is another reason I want to continue breastfeeding. I’ve had a small, painless lump in my right breast for two months. During my yearly physical today, I asked my family …

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September Newsletter

  Newsletter September 2014 As an IBCLC with over 25 years experience counseling nursing moms and babies, I can’t make motherhood easy (because it’s not), but I can help you with the breastfeeding part. You’re embarking on a lifelong adventure, one that’s worth every single sleepless night, every stretch mark, and every poopy diaper. From the first time you see …

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Leaking Breast Milk Months After Weaning

Ask Anne… Question: I stopped nursing my baby six months ago, but my breasts are still leaking milk. Is this  normal? Answer: Many moms find that their breasts continue to leak long after they wean. They may be able to express drops of fluid for months or even years after their baby weans, especially during a shower. The fluid that leaks …

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Breastfeeding and Lactose Intolerance

  Mothers are often told that their fussy or gassy babies are ‘lactose intolerant’, but this is rarely the case. Lactose intolerance has become a catch all label for any baby who is fussy, or gassy, or has any kind of intestinal upset. Formula companies love to use this label to their advantage, with ads for products like “Similac Sensitive®: …

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My doctor says I should wean

Ask Anne: Question:  My baby girl weighed five pounds when she was born. Now she is fifteen months old and weighs only seventeen pounds. The doctor (who I have since dropped) told me she is not gaining enough weight and that I should give her formula. She is walking and stays very busy. She nurses in short spurts during the …

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