Tag Archives: poop

Jaundice In The Breastfed Baby

Because jaundice is such a common condition, some medical professionals don’t take the time to explain all the details, because they deal with jaundiced babies every day. However, when the baby in question is your own precious newborn, you need to get as much information as possible to put your mind at ease. Nearly all infants are jaundiced to some …

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Why does my breast milk change colors?

Ask Anne… Question:  My milk seems to look different every time I pump. Sometimes it looks thin and watery, and sometimes yellow and creamy. At times it has a bluish or greenish tint. What could be causing that? Answer : Unlike formula, which always looks the same, the composition and appearance of human milk changes from day to day, from feeding …

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Ode to Poop

I never knew poop could make me so happy, relieved, anxious, scared and confused. Poop has always been pretty straightforward to me. As with so many things, Jack has taken poop to a whole ‘nother level. I think about his poop multiple times a day; I wait for it; I am excited when I see him stop in his tracks …

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Why are my baby’s bowel movements green?

Ask Anne… Question: Yesterday my daughter’s stools were bright green. Neon green, actually. What could be causing this? The only thing I can possibly think of is that I have been drinking caffeine-free diet Mt. Dew and that maybe could be it, because it is almost that color. Also, her stools have been very pasty in consistency. Can breastfed babies get …

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