Tag Archives: weight gain

Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction

Ask Anne… Question: Is there any early way to tell if a woman will definitely be able to breastfeed? I had a breast reduction three years ago, and although I seem to have slight sensation around my breasts, the nipple/areola area has always been more sensitive then before my operation. Curious if that is a good sign? I’m hoping to …

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Why are my baby’s bowel movements green?

Ask Anne… Question: Yesterday my daughter’s stools were bright green. Neon green, actually. What could be causing this? The only thing I can possibly think of is that I have been drinking caffeine-free diet Mt. Dew and that maybe could be it, because it is almost that color. Also, her stools have been very pasty in consistency. Can breastfed babies get …

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Will I be able to nurse my baby with breast implants?

Ask Anne… Question: I am expecting my first  child. Is there any way of telling if I will be able to nurse my baby with breast implants – or is it a wait and see? Answer: Any woman who has had breast, chest, or cardiac surgery should check with her surgeon to see if any functional breast tissue was affected …

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Starting Solids: Waiting Is Worth It

Getting Started Good First Foods Foods To Avoid Foods To DEFINITELY Avoid (because babies can choke on them) The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) officially recommends that mothers breastfeed their babies exclusively for the first six months in order to “to support optimal growth and development”. “Optimal” means the very best, no matter how you look at it. Deciding what …

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