Breatsfeeding Is Not Spoiling

7 years ago

Most people would not think that breastfeeding a crying baby is spoiling the baby. They would agree that the baby…

Breastfeeding Twins: Yes You Can!

7 years ago

I have always wondered why women, myself included, get such odd looks and negative comments when we say we are…

Calming Fussy Baby: Is It Colic?

7 years ago

One of the hardest things for new moms to deal with is a cranky, inconsolable baby. There will be times…

My Baby HATES Bottles

7 years ago

Ask Anne... Question:  I have a six month old baby that, due to personal reasons, I need to wean. She is…

How Often Should My Newborn Nurse?

7 years ago

Ask Anne… Question: My baby boy just turned 2 weeks old, and breastfeeding is going well. He seems very healthy…

Do breastfed babies need extra water?

7 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I successfully nursed my first baby. I am now expecting my second child and plan on breastfeeding…

Check Out These Amazing Co-Sleeping Options!

7 years ago

We went through countless sleeping arrangements with my first son, Jack. I knew he slept better when he was near…

Are babies sensitive to what mom is eating?

8 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: How common is it for babies to be sensitive to what a nursing mom is eating? Also,…

Oversupply: Too Much Breast Milk

8 years ago

Although concern about not having enough breast milk is the number one reason that mothers wean their babies early, having too…

And the Breastfeeding Goes On

8 years ago

Our mattress hit the floor when my first son, Jack, was about 9 months old. Our journey toward bedsharing mirrored…